Sunday, November 11, 2012

Family History

Your families are unique.  Record the story of their family life.
The following guideline will assist you in compiling your
family histories:

OUTLINE:  A guide to important dates and
                       events in each family group lifestyle.

A.  Name                                                                                               Names in full                                                                                 
      B. Birth                                                                      Births - Place-time -day, date month, year

      C.  Parent's names                                                    in full and names of grandparents.

D.  Pre-school period -                                            earliest memories,
                                                                                   recollections of parents, older brothers and sisters,
                                                                                   uncles and aunts, other relatives.

      E.  Childhood memories -                                     early friends; schools; teachers;
                                                                                      advisors; adventures; dreams of the future.

      F.  Young adulthood -                                            thoughts on growing up; home life;
                                                                          high school days; choice of residences, college or work
                                                                                  and the reasons for each choice; educational,
                                                                                         governmental or military experiences.

      G.  Courtship and marriage.

      H.  Children -                                                         where born; church christenings or blessings,
                                                                          circumcisions, children's personality development as
                                                                                  they grow; hopes and aspirations for the children;
                                                                                                          awards received.

      I.   Vocations -                                                       jobs held; preparation for life's work;
                                                                           success in work, awards and special recognition.

J.  Religious activities -                                                       positions held and services given.

K.  Political or Civic activities -                                                  positions in organizations
                                                                                                            held and services given.

L.  Religious convictions with spiritual or faith promoting

      M.  Various plans and hopes for the future.

II.   FILE SYSTEM:  Set up a file system in which you chronologically
deposit the material (hardcopy) you have and that which
      you will gather in the future, for each family group.

      A.  Suggested file systems:
           1(a).  Use
binders divided by time period for each area of interest; or,
             (b).  Use small boxes with each box representing a time in
                    the group family life such as  pre marriage experiences,
                    beginning married life, family formation, child rearing,
                    middle years, retirement; or,
             (c).  Use manila
folders by time period, for each area
                    of interest.
           2.      Use a computer software program, or establish a set
                    of index cards, divided into appropriate sections.
                    Catalog in alphabetical order all family surnames
                    and given names, locations, or Key Words, contained
                    in your binders, boxes or folders. 
Research Guidance

      B.  File your materials according to the categories you have
           selected in your filing system.   This is the basic format for
           the recording of a written or oral Family Group History.

      C.  Choose a computer software program, such as those listed at
Directory of Family History Software (Family Tree Maker,
           or TMG, etc.). 
Create, compile, organize
and upload your
           personal home page to obtain
world wide Internet coverage.

III.  FAMILY GROUP RESEARCH:  Gather the necessary information.
      Church Members: Identify Your Ancestors]

      A.  Living collective memory.  This is a great beginning source.

B.  Existing Records from the Family and from Genealogical Research.
           1.  Documents
           2.  Diaries
           3.  Family Records
           4.  Mementos and Family Tapestries
                [Note: use a scanner and enter all of the above items into
                a Computer Family History Program of your choice.]

IV.  WRITING SYSTEMS & HANDWRITING: Start Writing Family History
           1.  Make an outline from areas of interest in your filing system.
           2.  Use your own language and natural style,  interjecting
                language of the family time frame where available,
                for compilation from original record  sources.
           3.  Explain how and why things happened, maintaining
                the integrity of the original record sources, but always
                emphasizing the positive experiences.
           4.  Use good, simply
written expressions.

Personal History
           1.  To prevent rambling, make at outline from areas
                of interest,  obtained from your family filing system.
           2.  Use a high quality tape recorder or digital camcorder.
           3.  Record in a quiet, undisturbed location.
           4.  Record others and speak in a clear and natural voice.
           5.  Record musical or dramatic talent with
                appropriate background effects.
           6.  Add other people's voices who are important to each family group.
           7.  Make h
ome movies and memories with a camcorder, tape recorder, etc.
           8.  Convert
Home videos, sound files or other images to DVD.
                These can be stored in the
family history section of your own
                media library for later use in DVD players, or a Home theater PC.

           9.  References: EyeWitness to History
                History through the eyes of those who lived it.
                - Create a Biography Online and become part
                  of History through the eyes of those who lived it.
                  Include a Personal Health History.  See: The  Midwife's Tale
                  used as a Teacher's Guide for Active Learning.
How to Care For Home Movies
Caring for Your Family Archives: How Do I Preserve My Family Papers?
Guide to Donating Your Personal or Family Papers to a Repository
Personal Archives and a New Archival Calling ---- Google™ Books
Publication provides basic advice on safeguarding family records.
Websites for Family History Beginners - FamilySearch Wiki

INTRODUCTION: Learning Center
President David O. McKay: "I know of on other place where happiness
abides more securely than in the home.  It is possible to make home a
bit of heaven.  Indeed, I picture heaven as a continuation of the ideal
Inspirational Quotations (Ensign Magazine, May 1964, page 5)

"The Family: A Proclamation to the World": . . . . ."marriage between
a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is central
to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children. . . . . . . . .
that God’s commandment for His children to multiply  and  replenish
the earth remains in force. . . . .  Marriage between man and woman
is essential to His eternal plan"; also
D&C 131: "Celestial marriage is
essential to exaltation in the highest heaven".  The Messiah, obeying
the will of the Father and fulfilling all righteousness, entered into this
order of the priesthood - - [meaning the new and everlasting covenant
of marriage]; knowing thereby that He was
sealed up unto eternal life,
by revelation and the spirit of prophecy, through the power of the Holy
Priesthood; Christ sitting upon the
throne at the right hand of the Father.

Living FAMILY and FUN Portal
Strengthen family ties with fun times, shopping, finances, home life,
working, education, recreation and social interactions worldwide.
Old Fashioned
  Brings old family traditions to modern families.

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